Title: Designing and managing intelligent and interoperable precision medicine ecosystems.
Title: Pharmacogenomics: current status and future directions
Title: Artificial intelligence and precision medicine: A perfect combination
Title: Pharmacogenomic-guided therapy: Insights from n-acetyltransferase 2 genetic polymorphism
Title: Deficiency of the splicing factor RBM10 limits EGFR inhibitor response in EGFR-mutant lung cancer
Title: A novel mechanism to inhibit NF-kB and enhance chemotherapy efficacy in breast cancer.
Title: Gain spatial biology insight via graph-based artificial intelligence
Title: Mitochondrial RNAs as potential biomarkers of functional impairment in diabetic kidney disease
Title: Time-ordered comorbidity correlations identify patients at risk of mis- and overdiagnosis
Title: Development of recombinant VSV-based oncolytics for cancer immunotherapy
Title: A systematic review of regulatory approaches for Direct- To- Consumers (DTC) genetic testing
Title: Genome editing for precision medicine: Revolutionizing medicine
Title: Regulatory framework of in vitro diagnostic and artificial intelligence for precision medicine