Fay Mitchell-Brown felicitated by Charles Boicey
Jacalyn Jaspers, Allen College Waterloo, USA
Charlene Romer, ATI Nursing Education, USA
Mary Val Palumbo felicitated by Georgia Smith-Vest
Gail M Prothe felicitated by Georgia Smith-Vest
Rose Kearney-Nunnery felicitated by Charles Boicey
Traci Stewart, Madonna University, USA
Valerie Zielinski felicitated by Gabriel Oluwakotanmi
During Lunch
Ed Mantler, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Canada
Mpoeetsi Makau, Ministry of Health, Lesotho
Sandra Almeida, Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand
June Anonson felicitated by Charles Boicey
Jane Russell, Good Samaritan Hospital, USA
Gail M Prothe, Optum Complex Care Management, USA
Charles Boicey Speech, American Nursing Informatics Association, USA